Well its already Thursday here at Youth Camp and I'm lovin it!
Monday was a whirlwind of arriving cars, busses and kids; Tuesday a first full day of activities (tired); Wednesday in the groove; Thursday anticipating the Great Water War this evening.
My nickname is now MacGruber for having that random superglue at the opportune time, bringing crazy water guns, creating a dozen water battle shields from trips to the hardware store for snow sled dishes and rope, etc.
More importantly, I'm very impacted by all the love and activities poured into the almost 350 kids here. Evening band concerts and messages are great, all the sports activities bring kids running around and squealing with joy.
Our "Manhunt" game the other night had kids AND counselors huffing & puffing after 10 minutes and 45 patients to the infirmary for scrapes, twists and stinging nettles - what a success!
So many fun times!