Sunday, October 21, 2007

Santiago Fire - Communications Support

The Fire Command Post was a self-contained city including phone lines, data lines, showers, a kitchen area, vehicle parking area, etc, etc.  

I helped monitor a dozen fire channels inside the OCFA Communications / Logistics trailer in the early stages of the fire.  

Later, management was transferred over to Federal jursidiction with certified fire dispatchers.

This was my first time being at an Incident Command Post for a fire - I was very excited.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

VMAT Drill with OCSD

On September 15, 2007, the OCRACES group participted in a Volunteer Mutual Aid Training (VMAT) Drill with the Orange County Sheriff's Department.  It was exciting to participate in a large simulated drill with other community organizations like CERT groups.  Sheriff Carona spoke to the group during a lunch break.